NT Guarantee

Each and Every Client of Nutrition Transition achieves success by recieving the following:


Personal Contact Details for a Dedicated Coach. Sometimes you might have questions. Whatever you need whennever you need it – contact your coach any time.

Personal Contact Details for Many Other NT Clients (Past and Present!). Sometimes you might struggle. Don’t face it alone. Find support from those who have tried and tested the successful system for themselves. Learn from their successes, and mistakes!

Weekly Meetings to discuss your progress with your coach. Accountability will play a huge part in your success! Build a lasting relationship with your coach and reap the benefits of an invested support network.

A Body Bible for you to use throughout Your Transition containing completely individualised information and tailored advice.

Educational Articles relevant to your particular journey and goals.

Motivational Tasks to keep you focused on what is important to you and why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Personality/Goal Setting/Metabolic Type Questionnaires to help you discover yourself and your body and to help NT accurately decipher your nutritional requirements.

Nutrition Transition Recipe Books. Good, healthy, fat loss food can be delicious! I can show you how easy it is. These books have been created by myself and by my clients and I happily share them with you to help you keep things interesting!

Meal Planning and Preparation Ideas. Make eating easier, and cheaper! “If you fail to plan you plan to fail”. Never be caught out without a healthy meal option – and never fall off your plan!

Life Planning and Organisation Ideas. Make life easier, and cheaper! If you know what you’re supposed to be doing ahead of time, it wont come as a surprise when the time comes! Learn how effective decision making and prioritising can improve all aspects of your life.

Personal Training if required as part of your weekly sessions

Regular Paper Based Assessments – yes really! Open Book “Examinations” to make you sure understand your Transition! Its just for Fun. But it helps!

I stand by every single thing Nutrition Transition provides, because I know it works, and so do all the people who have used it effectively so far.

If you aren’t 100% certain that it’s the answer to your weight or health struggles, try it out anyway. If I cant convince you in one session that the information you will learn will help you change your body and achieve your goals – I’ll not only give you your money back, I’ll personally buy you your next diet book or pay your next “fat club” joining fee.

I’m not insane,I’m just that confident that a gradual Nutrition Transition is all you’ll ever need to get the body you’ve always wanted.